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Next X-Men Film to Take Place in the 90s, Says Simon Kinberg

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Does it come as any surprise that, ahead of its May 27 release, the ball is already rolling on the future of the X-Men franchise beyond Apocalypse? Comingsoon is reporting from the Apocalypse press junket that the next film has a time setting, producer Simon Kinberg has confirmed.

The next film will take place firmly in the 1990s, in the era of the franchise's immensely popular animated series. The films have not shied away from hopping around historical timelines since Days of Future Past, which took things back to the 70s.

There's a chance Kinberg is referring to a spin-off, particularly the upcoming X-Men: The New Mutants. The group though haven't thrived since their comic title came to an end in the 90s, so setting the film in this time period would seem almost unjustly. Of course, there's also X-Force, which has been rumoured but not confirmed.

If the 90s-set feature is a direct X-Men film, many fans will be left wondering where the franchise goes next, following the battle with Apocalypse, known as the franchise's most infamous and deadly foe.

Source: Collider

Posted in X-Men: Apocalypse,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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