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New poster for Martin Scorsese's next film, 'Silence'

Producers, Cast, and Scorsese Speak at the 'Silence' Premiere

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Martin Scorsese kept thing succint at Paramount's Los Angeles premiere of Silence at the Directors Guild of America Theater on Thursday, introducing the film by thanking his many producers and crew members, as well as the cast. He then proclaimed to the audience, "prepare to go into another world, for a little while."

Producer Emma Tillinger Koskoff said that the 17th Century-era tale, set in Japan and base on Shusaku Endo's novel about Jesuit missionaries has been present on her mind since 2002. “This was always going to be the next movie,” she mused. “We almost got into it in 2009 and after ‘Wolf of Wall Street,’ [Scorsese] said, ‘It’s either ‘Silence’ or nothing.’ So we shot 73 days and in five languages and I lost 25 pounds on the shoot. I was so overwhelmed and every day I’d say ‘I can’t believe we got through it.'”

Andrew Garfield shot silence before jumping into Hacksaw Ridge, a brutal combination that would have left the actor exhausted. But his love for history overruled that. “I’ve always been fascinated by history and I got to make-believe I was a Jesuit for a couple of months,” he said. “I loved being immersed in that world from 400 years ago. I was kind of agnostic by default so this really allowed me to dive into something — and it was the right time of my life to do it.”

The film opens wide on January 13.

Source: Variety

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HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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