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Nick in Fear the Walking Dead

Producers Talk 'Fear the Walking Dead''s Mythology-Bending Reveal

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell With the most recent episode of Fear the Walking Dead, everything may have been changed for the Walking Dead universe forever. That is, if one particular character is telling the truth.

Pharmacist and acting doctor of the Tijuana community, Alejandro, had been revealed to have been bitten by a walker, but didn't die and then turn. The character made the claim, before the wound itself being revealed.

This is similar to Ellie from The Last of Us, and I'm not sure whether long-running fans of the franchise are going to like where this new reveal might take things. It changes everything not just for Fear, but for The Walking Dead proper.

"The story of the bite is something that has galvanized this community and really drawn them that much closer because they believe there's something, to say the least, something special about him. Yeah, there's a very specific story line that's going to play out and it has a lot to do with questions of faith, and questions of trust, and specifically Nick's relationship with his new father figure," producer Dave Erickson said.

He doesn't actually reveal in the interview whether Alejandro is actually immune or not.

"[Nick]'s looking for a father figure just to an extent," Erickson says. "The bite, and the sort of cultured personality that's risen around the bite is something that Nick is honestly a little bit skeptical of. I think he isn't somebody who trusts immediately. He's not somebody who is going to embrace. He doesn't take things at face value."

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Fear the Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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