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The Court of Owls is watching with the new Artwork for 'Goth

Revealing New Details for Season 3 of 'Gotham' Promise a Fall from Grace for Our Heroes

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell The rise of the Court of Owls is certainly on the way in Gotham, as the show releases a sizzle reel promising that the heroes will fall in the crazy new season.

The producers revealed at Comic-Con that six months will pass between season 2 and season 3's opening. They weren't ready to confirm whether Jerome would return for the new season, but they have confirmed that the "Joker ideology" has spread throughout the city.

"Gotham is just going to keep spiraling out of control, which gets us to a place where they'll need our caped crusader," said executive producer Danny Cannon.

The show returns September 19.


Posted in Gotham,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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