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Cillian Murphy, Christian Bale

'The Dark Knight''s Cillian Murphy Talks Christopher Nolan's Genre-Defying Trilogy

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell While promoting his upcoming film Anthropoif, Cillian Murphy of Batman Begins and Inception fame commented on his distaste toward the current wave of comic book adaptations.

"Have they exhausted every comic book ever?" the actor asked. "I don't know where they're coming from anymore."

While there's plenty of ignorance toward the sentiment, which implies that superheroes are tje sole occupants of the comic book medium. He did go on to explain how he sees Christopher Nolan's trilogy in a more accomplished light.

"It was a different time back when we made Batman Begins. I think that Chris has to take credit for making that trilogy of films.

"I think they're so grounded in a relatable reality. Nobody in those films ever had a superpower... It's a slightly heightened level of storytelling, where New York is Gotham, and no one did anything magical."

While Murphy's children watch and enjoy Marvel's films, he doesn't watch them at all.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Dark Knight,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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