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The Flash/Supergirl Crossover Gets Title and Release Date

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell After plenty of rumours and at times studio execs dancing around the question, the Flash/Supergirl crossover has officially been dated, with a title to go with it that is sure to excite its comic book fandom.

The title, 'Worlds Finest', is a homage to the title once given to Batman and Superman's working relationship, but has since been used to describe other heroes in the pages of DC comics. What's notable too is that the title uses 'worlds' instead of 'world's', which suggests there will be more than one Earth involved.

This is frequently referred to as the multiverse in the comic book universe, where characters travel between alternate earths. Similar, mind-bending developments have already taken place in the time-hopping of The Flash.

The episode will be the eighteenth of Supergirl's debut season, and will air on March 28. Of the development, Flash and Supergirl executive producers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg said "We are so incredibly excited to announce something that we have dreamed of happening since we started making Supergirl - The Flash and Supergirl are teaming up!"

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Flash,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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