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The Wolverine

The Villain for 'Wolverine 3: Logan' Has Been Revealed

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Boyd Holbrook is set to play Donald Pierce in the third Wolverine film, which was last week revealed under the title Logan.

Pierce is a cyborg within the Marvel Comics Universe, who was a member of the Hellfire's Inner Circle. Upon being beaten by the X-Men, Pierce departed the club and became the leader of a cyborg group called the Reavers.

Whether or not He is the lead antagonist is up for debate, at least until we learn more. He is the first villain to be revealed for the film, though Mister Sinister has been heavily rumoured for a key villainous role in the film.

James Mangold directs following his work on The Wolverine, and Hugh Jackman and patrick Stewart both farewell the franchise with this film, set for an R-rating. It's loosely based on the popular comic book story Old Man Logan.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in Logan,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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