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Meet Lucille - The Walking Dead S06E16

'The Walking Dead' Advertising for a Mysterious New Character

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell The Walking Dead is casting for a new role, another leader-type role under the unfamiliar name of Brion. That name doesn't exist in the books, nor is the show in need of any more "canon" leaders now with Rick, Gregory, Ezekiel and Negan all in play.

The Spoiling Dead Fans bring the news, with which Brion is described as "an educated, pokerfaced leader who has a superior air and does not let his/her motives be known." This is starting to sound like one particular leader who theoretically shouldn't be arriving until much later.

In the book, a character named Alpha is the leader of the Whisperers, the antagonists that follow Negan and his Saviors in a much more slow-boil storyline contrasting the furious war against the aforementioned character.

The casting call does not reveal the gender, but does give it a 30 to 40 year old parameter. She "uses as few words as possible and keeps his/her emotions in check - we do see amusement, annoyance, displeasure."

Could this be an entirely new character from an entirely new community? It's not out of the question, however while the show has always made creative deviations from the comic, it has never veered sharply except for season 1's visit to the CDC.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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