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James Dean Morgan will play Negan

The Walking Dead Showrunner Promises a Book-Accurate Portrayal of Negan

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell With Jeffrey Dean Morgan ready to go as the upcoming, infamous villain Negan, The Walking Dead is perhaps facing its greatest challenge in its six year-long history.

The antagonist is memorable most notably for his profane dialogue, on top of his ultra-violence that lead to one of the comic books most notorious events. Showrunner Scott Gimple says viewers will "see [Negan] brought to life straight out of the books."

It seems he won't be able to practice the same level of colourful language, and he won't exist as the single threat in the world of The Walking Dead (which comes as no surprise). "The question of whether you can get through this life without blood on your hands remains open," Gimple said. We will see "some of the scariest people in the back half of the season are our people."

"These characters are at their strongest right now, but the problem is, the threats of the world are also at their strongest. We'll see these immovable objects meet." Reiterating other statements from those at the head of the series, Gimple hints that the mid-season premiere is going to be difficult for viewers, not to mention the remainder of the season.

"The back half of the season will involve some crying and screaming at the TV set." The Walking Dead returns February 14 on AMC.

Source: Comicbook

Posted in The Walking Dead,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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