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The Wolf Man

Universal Eyeing Dwayne Johnson for Their 'Wolfman' Movie

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell With Universal in full swing on developing their monsters universe, with The Mummy to launch it next year, another star is being eyed for a different monster, which would draw even more eyes toward the ambitious cinematic universe.

Dwayne Johnson is being courted for the upcoming Wolfman movie, according to reports. With no release date set for a WOlfman movie, there are two unspecified monster movies dated for April 13, 2018 and February 15, 2019. There's every chance one of these belongs to Wolfman.

Prisoners writer Aaron Guzikowski is scripting Wolfman. The Mummy will launch the universe on June 9, 2017, with Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella being directed by Alex Kurtzman.

Source: Comingsoon

Posted in The Wolf Man,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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