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Edgar Wright shares plans for a possible 'BABY DRIVER' sequel

GregHarmon GregHarmon Managing Editor Fresh off its $30 million extended weekend open, director Edgar Wright sees a future for Ansel Elgort's 'Baby' in a possible sequel; Sony sees dollar signs

Edgar Wright and Ansel Elgort - Baby Driver
Edgar Wright and Ansel Elgort - Baby Driver

Is Wright thinking about a sequel?

If you've had the privilege of reading or listening to interviews with Edgar Wright, then it should come as no surprise at the fountain of information Mr. Wright so effortlessly bestows to the media and the fans. As part of Baby Driver's press tour, Wright recently sat down with the folks at Empire's Spoiler Podcast and shared a wealth of knowledge from Baby Driver's inspiration, music and action sequences, character exposition, and on set production stories (including those "Halloween Masks" and a discussion with Mike Myers).

Wright also shared thoughts about a potential Baby Driver sequel: “The studio have asked me to think about writing a sequel and it is one of the ones that I might do a sequel to because I think there’s somewhere more to go with it in terms of the characters.” Despite not having penned a sequel for any of his prior films, Wright says Hot Fuzz aside from Baby Driver could benefit from a sequel. “Most sequels where you have to contrive something so they go back to square one, unless there’s somewhere deeper for them to go….I think with Baby Driver think there’s more that you can do in that realm, and I sort of have an idea that if you did another [film] you would subvert his involvement in the crime in a different way so he’s not kind of like the apprentice anymore.”

There aren't many characters to bring back (Spoiler)

Aside from Baby (Ansel Elgort) and Debora (Lily James), the one character in play might be Jon Bernthal's "if you don't see me again, I'm dead" Griff. Of course Joe - Baby's foster dad (CJ Jones) and Eddie 'No-Nose' (Flea) are still around should Wright have 'Baby' circle back with his past.

Despite Sony Pictures requesting the sequel treatment, I could be sold on the idea so long as Wright's creative freedom allows him to take 'Baby' (and 'Debora') into a realm that extends the canon of Baby Driver (See John Wick). For now, that ending has me sitting pretty happy.

Have you seen Baby Driver? Anyone not named Anthony Bourdain have thoughts on a sequel?

Posted in Baby Driver,

GregHarmon GregHarmon Managing Editor

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