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Marvel Phase Four

To infinity and beyond

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez With the release of Marvels Dr. Strange, we are starting to put the final touches on phase 3. With the possibly of a new team leading phase 4, we realize that the giant climax is that of the collection of the Infinity Stones. We have been teased with the threat of Thanos as the puppet master of all things that go bump in the MTU. Recently we have seen 5 out of the six stones. They have been introduced in Avengers, Thor 1 &2, Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy and Dr. Strange. But how much do we know about these stones? What power do they all posses? Who is guarding the stones? Blender has put together a great ''Where are they now'' Infinity stone recap. Hit the jump below to get caught up on the whereabouts of the ever so powerful Infinity Stones.

Posted in Marvel,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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