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Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston star in Only Lovers Left Al

4. Only Lovers Left Alive

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong Director: Jim Jarsmusch
Starring: Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston and Mia Wasikowska

Synopsis: A depressed musician reunites with his lover, though their romance— which has already endured several centuries - is disrupted by the arrival of uncontrollable younger sister.

Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangier, Only Lovers Left Alive is one of Jarsmuschʼs most visually impressive movies to date. Whilst this movie isnʼt quite the vampire flick per-say, Jarsmusch does have fun plying with itʼs motifs, engaging us in a narrative that may be a little thin on the ground but is elegantly somber, inexpressibly sad yet sometimes very funny. Itʼs a movie for the anti-Twilighters.

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Posted in Only Lovers Left Alive,

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong

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