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Superman Returns
4. Superman Returns (2006)

4. Superman Returns (2006)

It took nearly twenty years before we saw Superman on the big screen again. After the disaster of the previous two Superman films (III and IV), Warner Bros. wanted the last son of Krypton to return with a bang. With that mindset they approached half-wit director McG to make the film. Nice start Warner Bros. Thankfully, the film gods where watching over Clark Kent as McG pulled out leading to Warner Bros. approaching Bryan Singer. Singer left the X-Men: The Last Stand project, which ended up not being that good anyway. Singer made fairly good work of the Superman Returns script. What spoils the film is it’s a direct sequel to the first two Christopher Reeve films. Why not start again? Granted, the film was pretty decent, doing extremely well at the box office, but a fresh start - in my opinion - was a more viable option. Look at the film now; it’s resorted to hanging around like an ugly bloke at a school dance hoping for someone to give him a second glance. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone will be asking Superman Returns to dance anytime soon, which is a shame.

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong




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