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Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in Edgar Wright's 'The World's End

9. The World's End

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong "A man of your legendary prowess drinking f*cking rain! It's like a lion eating houmous." — Gary King

The final chapter in Edgar Wrightʼs Cornetto Trilogy is a perfect exclamation point on one of the best trilogies in recent times. In true Wright fashion, the director manages to fuse genres together to create an extraordinary blend of originality, making World's End a apocalyptic-sci-fi-beer-guzzling comedy. Itʼs comedy is sharp, focussed (sometimes blurry eyed after all the pints have been supped) and youʼll find yourself laughing just to avoid crying. The cast is amazing, as to be expected. Nick Frost (who tears off his shirt a la Hulk) and Simon Pegg have become one of cinemas most loved on-screen duos. Their chemistry is just as strong as it was in the first Cornetto movie, Shaun of the Dead. The Worldʼs End takes on a more dramatic flare but in no way are the jokes watered down, they're just as punchy as a Jagerbomb.

Posted in The World's End,

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong

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