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Batman: A

Batman: A

Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Christopher Nolan brought the caped crusader back into our conscience in 2005 with Batman Begins. It was needed, especially after that George Clooney/Joel Schumacher farce that tarnished the image of Batman in the eyes of cinema. For over two hours I watched in disappointment at how Batman Begins failed to grab my attention. Nonetheless, I waited for the second instalment hoping for something better after reading and seeing snapshots before it’s release.

The Dark Knight looked very promising. It turned out to have a decent narrative but it was a gem in terms of character development. Like everyone else, my attention was fixated on Heath Ledger’s phenomenal performance as The Joker. A performance that’ll be remembered for a long time and emulated for years to come. All you want to see is Ledger on screen. He hypnotises you whilst he holds you in the palm of his hand taking you on a timeless journey.

Ledger’s untimely death lead to questions regarding the third film. In 2012, Nolan released The Dark Knight Rises to great success. Nolan out done himself. Never have I watched a Batman film, heck, any superhero film, that had such an emotional heartbeat. After some teething problems at the beginning, Batman has become the best superhero franchise to date. My hat goes off to you Mr. Nolan.

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong




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