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Logan with scars


ChrisChavez ChrisChavez So the other day to my surprise, I awake to something that I have been excited for and dreading. The final appearance of Hugh Jackman as the fun loving Login we all have come to love. By now we have all seen the trailer over and over again. The R rating that we have been promised surely is on full display. That is if you wanted to international trailer. (Claws through skull) Director James Mangold sat down with Empire Magazine to confirm details about his film. Mangold has stating that this movie does follows Days of Future Past epilogue, trying to keep some form of the timeline in tacked. Another question that we all asked was that of the Logans healing factor. One one scene we see Logan shirtless in a bathroom cover in scars, he does appear to be sore and full of pain. Mangold explained "The simple idea was that his body would start to get a little more ravaged with a kind of tattooing of past battles, lacerations that remain of previous conflicts.”Last but not least, there is the matter of X-23. Now we haven't fully been told that the new actress Dafne Keane will be playing our beloved X-23, but the trailer does seem to be pointing in that direction. James went on the record by saying "I think what this film is about in many ways is family. From there out I’d let everyone figure out what we’re up to on their own, at least at this early stage.” Logan looks to deliver a perfect send off for the fan favorite character and the beloved Hugh Jackman.

For more on this interview with James Mangold, please visit Empire online

Posted in Logan,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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