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Pierce Brosnan as Cable?

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez Yesterday via Instagram, Ryan Reynolds shared with us a photo of himself, Hugh Jackman and Pierce Brosnan. The rumor mill began to generate with the notation that Bronsan might be our Cable. The former 007 star was not on anyone's casting list in portraying the time traveling, gun wielding fan favorite.

Leave it to the Fans

A wonderful fan made art piece surfaced, depicting Brosnan looking buff and all cyborg as Cable often looks. From the image below, we can see that if Brosnan in deeds bulk up he might be able to pull this role off. We know that he does have action movie experience with his stent as James Bond. There has been no confirmation that this casting has been set in stone, but the fan art does somehow make you think? Would it work? Ryan Reynolds did state that they are looking for a non convention actor to be cast as Cable. What do you think? Would you like to see Pierce Brosnan as Cable? or do you already have an actor in mind?

Pierce Bronsnan as Cable.
Pierce Bronsnan as Cable.

Posted in Deadpool 2,

ChrisChavez ChrisChavez

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