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Cars 2
Cars 2 crew visits London, Paris, Italy and Japan for inspiration

Cars 2 crew visits London, Paris, Italy and Japan for inspiration

In Cars 2 our characters travel the world and we're going to each of the places they visit.

Cars 2 Goes Global

It's so important to the film to be authentic! So we set of on this 12-day trip, where we basically went through six countries. And we're just photographing and videoing and trying to take all these things in. Because when you go to a country, it's got to feel like that country. It's got to look like that country. So we try to do, what we call 'carrefying'. We take real monuments, that you would know at first glance. Like, ah, that's the Eiffel tower. But when you look close, we put something like a wire wheel in the base and a spark plug on top.

We were trying to subtly weave these car forms in every setting. So it really feels authentic, what these international cities and countries would be like if Cars where alive.

The Cars 2 crew when to London, Paris, Italy and Japan.

This is where they got the inspiration for things like the Big Bentley.

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