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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Daniel Radcliffe and Ralph Fiennes talk about the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort

Daniel Radcliffe and Ralph Fiennes talk about the final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort

The last battle is gonna be huge. It's incredible to see what all of these characters can do when they're pushed to the very edge. This is kind of the end of the line. It's quite a big moment for everyone. These iconic figures of good and evil and he's about to grasp victory and defeat Harry Potter.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: Harry vs. Voldemort: the Final Battle.

This is the final confrontation between Voldemort and Harry. It's something we've been building to throughout the series. We wanted to make this as exciting and operatic as we could. In the book the standoff between Harry and Voldemort happens in the Great Hall. I just wanted to develop more of a battle. Because we waited quite a long time for the fight between those two. Those something interesting in how can one exist without the other, which I wanted to draw out in the final battle. We have them racing through the school and dueling with each other. Voldemort is just throwing everything at him in a rapid fire assault on every aspect of Harry's magical powers. Voldemort is without question the must chilling character we've ever come across. Ray fills the space in way that you would hope the Voldemort would. It's quite intimidating to be in a quite combative scene with such an experienced actor. And he's sort of forced me to raise my own standards. We have a lot of scenes where we're fighting or looking or reacting to each other's magic wands and spells.

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