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A Dangerous Method
David Cronenberg talks about Otto Gross, Keira Knightley and A Dangerous Method

David Cronenberg talks about Otto Gross, Keira Knightley and A Dangerous Method

David Cronenberg on Keira Knightley:

She's incredibly well prepared. I mean, immaculately well prepared. And you might think that someone who does that would be thrown by a sudden shift in exactly the way the scene is gonna be shot and the dynamics of the scene. Instead of standing in the middle of a field, speaking. You're in a pond with your hair wet. With mud all over you. That kind of thing. She loved it. She is more than a trooper. She didn't only do it dutifully. She did it with great exuberance. And you can't buy that. An actor really has that to give you or does not. And she really does.

I must say, I had the same experience working with her that I had first with Viggo. Which is that I knew that she was good, but I didn't realize that she was brilliant. And she is brilliant. I mean, she is a brilliant actress. She is as good as any actress I've ever working with. And I have worked with some of the best actresses in the world.

David Cronenberg on Otto Gross:

Otto Gross was a physician, who was being trained by Freud. And Freud at first thought that Gross was the one to lead everyone into the future of psychoanalysis, because he considered really in a way the most brilliant of them all. Even more brilliant than Jung. Maybe even than Freud. But of course he had a fatal flaw. Which was in

David Cronenberg also talks about realizing the script, designing the costumes and the filming process of A Dangerous Method.

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