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Oz the Great and Powerful
Good work. You just sneezed away the plan. Oz the Great and Powerful

Good work. You just sneezed away the plan. Oz the Great and Powerful

New Oz the Great and Powerful spot about Finley and China Girl.

In the magical Land of Oz...

Your magic is the only thing strong enough to defeat the Wicked Witch.

... the Wizard they've been waiting for has finally arrived.

Just how wicked is she?

As wicked as they come.

And along the yellow brick road, he'll find a little help from Finley and China Girl.

Now they're on an adventure to save the Land of Oz.

Oz: Listen up, here's the plan.

Oz draws in the sand.

Finley sneezes.

China Girl: Bless you!

Oz: Good work. You just sneezed away the plan.

Finley: Sorry.

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