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The Descendants
I've always been the backup parent. The Descendants

I've always been the backup parent. The Descendants

My friends think just because I live in Hawaii, I live in paradise. We're all just out here sipping Mai Tais and catching waves. Hell I haven't been on a surfboard in 15 years. 23 days ago my wife was launched from a powerboat and hit her head. And as if this weren't enough already...

You might not be able to hear this right now, but she was lonely. Who is he? I'd like to know who the guy is my wife was seeing.

I've always been the backup parent. You have to help me with her. I don't know what to do with her.

And with Elizabeth in the hospital, my daughter has been testing me. Dad, this is Sid. He's gonna be with me. I'm gonna be a lot more civil with him around. Sup bro? Don't ever do that to me again.

She would tell me who he is. What would you do if you were me? I'd put his nuts on the dressing room and beat them with a spiked bat.

Does she love him? Drop it dad. You've got way bigger fish to fry than some guy.

What you've been going through, that's a tough deal. Just trying to keep my head above water.

My friends think just because I live in Hawaii, I live in paradise. Are they insane. Our families are just as screwed up. Our heartaches are just as painful. But we're gonna make it out okay. You and Scottie and me.

burnsting burnsting




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