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Thor: The Dark World
Kenneth Branagh, Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins talk about working with Chris Hemsworth on Thor

Kenneth Branagh, Natalie Portman and Anthony Hopkins talk about working with Chris Hemsworth on Thor

Kenneth Branagh: We met Chris Hemsworth early in the process, as we explored who Thor would be. We knew when he came in for a screen test and told a story of Thor's exploits. And he did it with such relish. Such fun, a sense of danger. He was able to occupy the character of Thor in a way that seemed just right to us.

For this film to work you got to love our hero. You got to be behind him. And Chris does humor and sorrow, strength in such an honest way. And I've never seen someone throw themselves at work like that before.

Natalie Portman: He had worked really hard to make himself sort of that godly physique.

He's 3/6'4. A very impressive looking physique that can take the kind of intense physical buildup we put him through.

Don Payne (screenwriter): I can't tell you how exciting it was to see Chris walk out with the ploying red cape and holding that hammer. It's like, yes that's Thor. Here he is. He's come to life.

Anthony Hopkins: It was wonderful working with Chris. He's a great actor. We had some great scenes together.

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