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Tower Heist
Rule number 1: never give your wallet to a thief. Tower Heist

Rule number 1: never give your wallet to a thief. Tower Heist

You all got fifteen minutes to go out there and steal me something. In this mall, right now. Each one of you, go out there and indivudially steal $50 worth of merchandise. Come back and putt it on the table. Then we'll talk.

Okay, guys. We can do this. It's just shoplifting. 15 minutes. Let's go.

And put your wallets on the table. I don't want nobody cheating.

Alright, come on. Let's go.

Would you like me to ring that up for you?

Hah? No, I think I'll just live with it a little first.

Do you have a catalog?

Uh, I might have one in the back. Let me check.

How do those feel?

They feel a little tight. Do you have one a half size up? Yeah, let me check the back.

Hey, those two pair don't cost no $50.

$12 and a candle.

Okay, we'll get to work tomorrow.

No, wait a minute. We all just proved ourselves. How do we know you can really pull this off?

I stole $260 in cash. Rule number 1: never give your wallet to a thief.

burnsting burnsting




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