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The Place Beyond the Pines
That's where people that talk like you come from. The Place Beyond the Pines

That's where people that talk like you come from. The Place Beyond the Pines

Clip with Dane DeHaan as Jason and Emory Cohen as AJ from the movie The Place Beyond the Pines.

Dane DeHaan: Where are you from?

Emory Cohen: Troy.


Yeah, you heard of Troy?

Yeah, I've heard of Troy.

Where's Troy at?

Right next door dude.

Right next door?

I would've guessed you were from Long Island.

And where's that?

That's where people that talk like you come from.

Haha, I'm bored as a motherfucker out here dude. I've been here like fucking three days. I'm bored out of my fucking mind.

Well, you'll just gonna have to do.

What do you do for fun. Nothing? This is it. This is what I got for a year?

No, we got somethings.

What? Don't say like a mall. If you say a mall, I swear to God...

burnsting burnsting




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