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In Time
The man with a million years. In Time

The man with a million years. In Time

There really is a man with a million years.

It's my first million. It won't be my last.

You know how much good it could do?

I know how much harm it could do. Try to understand. Even if you gave a year to a million people, you're just prolonging their agony.

You're prolonging their lives.

We're not meant to live like this. We're not meant to live forever. Although I do wonder, father, if you ever lived a day in your life.

You might upset the balance for a generation. Or two. But don't fool yourself. In the end nothing will change. Because everyone wants to live forever. They all think they have a chance at immortality, even though all the evidence is against it. They all think they will be the exception. But the truth is, for a few to be immortal, many must die.

No one should be immortal, if even one person has to die.

burnsting burnsting




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