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Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Wingsuits jump off Sears Tower in Chicago, Transformer 3

Wingsuits jump off Sears Tower in Chicago, Transformer 3

J.T. Holmes: So, Michael Bay watches 60 Minutes one night and he saw Julian and I fly around mountains in Norway. He called Spielberg and he was like: I got to have wingsuits in Transformers 3.

Michael took that idea though and of course made it bigger.

Michael Bay: Ready, here we go.

These are actual people flying wingsuits in a downtown city environment, which has never been done before. So it's a lot about geography. We're coming around the Willis buildings. And then we're gonna turn around and we're gonna land and we only have this area. So for them it's really nerve wracking.

Yeah, we do tons of flying. We fly mountains though. This is like nothing else. This is pretty advance skill level stuff, for us.

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