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Wes Craven 1939-2015

StinaManley StinaManley I am sadden to hear of the passing of this great writer/director who was the genius behind some of most iconic horror characters.

Some of the films he had written and/or directed were…

The Last House on the Left (1972) & (2009)

The Hills Have Eyes (1977) & (2006)

Swamp Thing (1982)

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Shocker (1989)

Scream (1996) Scream 2 (1997), Scream 3 (2000)

Cursed (2005)

My Soul to Take (2010)

Anything Freddy Krueger related

Thank you for the Horror films you written/directed.

Thank you for making me terrified of little girls playing jump-rope and children singing; and ensuring I’ll never buy a house that was on Elm Street.

When I was younger your movies were always picked for slumber parties when we needed a scary movie. (Shout out: Scream!)

Thank you for the nightmares, Wes. You will be missed!

Wes Craven 1939-2015

Posted in Wes Craven,

StinaManley StinaManley

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