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The Knick
Steven Soderbergh not done yet, directs Clive Owen in The Knick (TV)

Steven Soderbergh not done yet, directs Clive Owen in The Knick (TV)

“We live in a time of endless possibility. More has been learned about the treatment of the human body in the last five years, than was learned in the previous five hundred. That is where we'll start unlocking the mystery.”

Steven Soderbergh must have liked his stint at HBO last year (Behind the Candelabra), as he's directing a 10 episode mini-series for Cinemax that'll air this Summer.

The series will follow Clive Owen (as Dr. John W. Thackery) and his crew in New York's Knickerbocker Hospital in the early 1900s.

It's always interesting to see what a high-profile director can do when he gets 10 episodes to tell a story. By now, some of the most engaging stories are told on TV, where there's no rush to keep it all under two hours. And The Knick is definitely one to keep an eye on..

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