Jesus: Ice Age 3 vs. Public Enemies

featurette from the movie Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

about this featurette

So in part one we asked two Johnny Depps if they would see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs or Public Enemies. The score: 1-1.

That’s when this guy walked by.

What would Jesus watch? Well, Jesus his marketing people just happened to be there. So here’s what they said.

“Ice Age. O, I don’t know. I don’t know those movies. Who are those?”

“It’s the animated one and the other one’s with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale.”

“O, I don’t know, I don’t know. I don’t really...”

“Jesus wouldn’t go to movies?”

“Well, I watch movies. Just not those particular ones. I haven’t been too crazy about Johnny Depp.”

So apparently Jesus isn’t too crazy about Johnny Depp, but he doesn’t know Ice Age either. Probably too busy with the election in Iran.

“John, uhm, what’s his name. River Phoenix died outside the viper room on Halloween night. Remember?”


“I felt kind of bad, but he was taking valium or something I think. These guys they get famous and they start doing drugs. They get all wrapped up and they get hit in the head. Catch on fire and break their bones, noses. Getting too crazy!”


Or Jesus is just busy with other things. I figured we wouldn’t get an answer about Jesus his preference either and I was just about to walk away, when the guy says.

“O, I think I know that… Is that Ice Cube? Ice Age? Ice Cube.”

“Ice Age”

“Ice Cube?”

No, not Ice Cube, Ice Age!

“O, o, I’m not too sure about all that. Sorry. Hey, are you filming me!?”

“Yeah man!”

Well, I came to the conclusion I just had to watch Ice Age and Public Enemies myself. Find out which to see this 4th of July weekend, after the break.

High Definition Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs featurette (2:28 minutes) added to the Cultjer video catalog on July 3rd, 2009.

film page

Is Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
worth the popcorn?
