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Official Poster for BFI's 'Blade Runner: The Final Cut' Thea

Ridley Scott's Sci-Fi Epic Blade Runner

jackblake151 jackblake151 After getting a huge amount of hate from a friend for not seeing this film, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and bought a Blu-Ray that came with a two disc special edition. What followed was an epic sci-fi experience.

The film is really hard to explain, so I will try my best to explain it: it follows a detective who is hunting replicants who look like normal humans. His job is to hunt them down and kill them. The film is very ambiguous, because it makes you wonder if Harrison Ford's character is a replicant himself. The film is very complicated to get. It's one of them films where you have to watch twice in order to actually get it.

The film stars Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer, and a few other actors I really haven't heard of. It's a long old film. Its runtime is around one hour and fifty-seven minutes. The effects are incredible they are probably the best part of the film. The script is done to perfection. There is one line in the film where Rutger Hauer's character says an incredible speech (all improvised). This is one of the greatest speeches in cinema and I think it will remain that way.

The soundtrack is composed by Vangelis, who wrote the epic Chariots Of Fire theme (another classic film). The soundtrack really does do wonders for the film and it adds to the effect of the film as well. I have never heard of Vangelis, but I can tell you now he is one of the greatest composers out there. He really adds to the film's atmosphere. Below is the awesome improvised speech as mentioned. Check it out, it's definitely up there with one of the greatest speeches in cinema.

Blade Runner Final Scene, "tears In Rain" Monologue

So what's my final opinion of Blade Runner. Well, this is probably one of the greatest sci-fi movies I have seen ever. I would give it a solid 10/10. It's well acted, well done and the effects are fantastic.


Posted in Blade Runner,

jackblake151 jackblake151

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